Teaching Methods

“Innovation in education is always seeking knowledge that will support new and unique ideas in instructional techniques that will reach the students in more effective and exciting ways”

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Infrastructure Facilities

Physics Lab, Optometry Lab, Trauma Care Management-Lab, Perfusion Technology-Lab, Radiography Lab, Cardiac Technology-Lab, Neuro Science Technology-Lab, ...

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Students Placement

Faculty of Allied Health sciences,VMRF-DU was awarded the “Excellence in Students Placements and the Dean awarded as “Excellence in Students Counselling”. - Award by IEN

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How we are differ from other Universities

“Innovation in education is always seeking knowledge that will support new and unique ideas in instructional techniques that will reach the students in more effective and exciting ways”.
eLearning has a positive influence on an educations. It makes it easy to grasp the content and digest it. It results in improved scores on certifications, tests, or other types of evaluation. Enhanced ability to learn and implement the new processes or knowledge at the workplace.
We increase the level of communication between students and create another venue for learning.